Amber Teething Necklace

Baltic Amber Teething Necklace

Sold by the Amber Guru Store on Amazon

Certified authentic, real amber bead necklace. Sized 9-11" in neck circumference.
Baltic Amber Necklace
Helpful for teething babies by reducing inflammation in the gums and boosting the immune system. 
We used baltic amber necklaces on our babies during the teething phase and loved how low-fuss the process was. If you're looking for an affordable option for teething jewelry for your little ones, here is an affiliate link to the product listed on Amazon. Be sure you do your own research on the benefits and risks of using necklaces on babies before using!
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The Teak Natural product listed above is used in our beloved Oil Of Kings Tallow Balm. Check out our product below or visit our Small Batch Apothecary page.