
Hey there, I'm Ash

I'm the wife of the most handsome man on the planet and mother to two beautiful children. I am a student naturopath, business owner, and urban homemaker. I'm so thankful to be able to spend my time taking care of the people I love while learning about holistic health and ancient traditions.

I started The Homestead Aesthetic on Instagram as a place to inspire - whether through a beautiful, cozy photo, a recipe for a warm dish, or delivering something from my personal apothecary to a friend in need. I have been blessed throughout my life by people who take the time to find high quality products to care for me when I need it most. That's what I want to do for you.

The Homestead Aesthetic isn't meant to be a faceless shop attempting to sell you things you didn't know you needed. The Homestead Aesthetic is meant to be a collection of carefully formulated products made with health-nurturing ingredients that speak for themselves.

As for me, I hope you enjoy these products as much as I do. I do not sell anything I do not use or do not believe in. I am focused on small-batch because I believe health-supporting products must evolve with our needs.